Our Courses

Digital payment platforms for business, trade, logistics, tourism and all services

Digital payment platforms for business, trade, logistics, tourism and all services

  • 00m 00s

Attn all Business Sector Managers, Financial Controllers, Accountants, CEO's, Bankers,

Innovation officers, Digitalising teams

Looking to reduce transaction cost across businesses?

Speed, convenience and efficient resource allocations

Join the forum and learn from the experts on how the digital payments and technology platforms work

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Shippers’ Academy Colombo (Pvt) Ltd,
105, Hunupitiya Lake Road,Colombo 2,
Sri Lanka

නැව්ගත කරන්නන්ගේ අධ්‍යාපන පීීඨය

අපනයන, ආනයන, නැව්ගත කිරීම, ප‍්‍රවාහනය සහ අන්තර් ජාතික වෙළදාම පිළිබඳ පාඨමාලා, දේශන, වැඩමුලු සහ විවිධ වැඩසටහන් අප විසින් පවත්වාගෙන යනු ලබයි.
